For teachers of color. By teachers of color.

#TeachingInColor is a professional learning network of educators dedicated to building community, supporting, and advocating for policy changes in the best interest of educators of color and the students they serve.

By teachers of color. For teachers of color.

April 26-27, 2024 | Charlotte, NC

Read the #TeachingInColor Magazine!

The #TeachingInColor Magazine is a biannual publication that celebrates, amplifies, and spotlights individuals and issues related to educator diversity and retention.

Listen to the #TeachingInColor Mixtape!

The #TeachingInColor Mixtape is the result of educators, musicians, and poets coming together to meditate on the experience of teaching and learning as persons of color. Through virtual jam sessions, the featured artists wrote lyrics together and collaborated on each track.

Diversify the Narrative


Listen to Teachers of Color

In collaboration with We Are the Dream, we hosted a series of listening sessions and have created a digital space to share stories and build community in the hopes that storytelling can become a tool for those who are already doing the work and a jumping point for those who are ready to join.


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