About LEAD Ambassadors
The Leaders for Equity, Advocacy and Diversity (LEAD) in Education Ambassador program creates opportunities for students in Mecklenburg County to develop as leaders who are informed and empowered to act locally at their schools and at the district level as well as to come together with other student leaders across the district.
The LEAD ambassador program will be an interactive, engaging and educational series with goals to increase participant knowledge of education equity issues, introduce racial equity and social justice lenses to change-making, expose participants to education policy as a career and those who practice it and offer a small stipend/grant to kickstart change.
Selection for the LEAD Ambassador program is competitive and limited to 12 student participants. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the selection process and to complete all forms thoroughly and on time.
Ambassadors will be accepted based on exemplary teamwork and leadership skills, positive recommendations, preparedness, etc. Students will be notified via phone or email on or near November 11.
Applications are accepted through October 31, 2024.